Temos um website novo da Carhartt WIP para os clientes dos EUA e do Canadá. Agora já fazemos envios e aceitamos devoluções a nível doméstico. Informe-se já.
The most of you may know that Malaga ist he home of some dudes like Ruben Alcantara or Javier Ortega. So we´ve been even more excited to hang out with those guys and ride with them. I myself got a little cold which stopped me from having fun on the first two days but that´s life i guess. Perico and Ruben showed us around and took us to the places where they´ve known we´re going to have fun. So we rode a secret backyard pool, numerous skateparks, street and trails. We´ve been really lucky with the weather and had a constant 18 degrees with lots of sunshine. Everyone enjoyed the trip to the fullest and riding wise there were a lot good seesions going on. Stefan and Perico probably spend more time in the air than on the ground this weekend, they just had good air time everywhere we went and it´s been awesome watching these guys go nuts.
Arthur is that little guy always with a smile on his face and pretty amazing bike rider as well. He´s probably the only guy who can do tuck no handers everywhere he wants. other than that he´s fast and dialed. I felt a lot better after two days and really enjoyed riding one of the skateparks and some street. We´ve bulid a perfect crew and it couldn´t be better. We spend so much time laughing and being real good friends to eachother. So the trip was more than just visit my town, it´s been like visit my friends and my life on top of that.
Big thanks to Mike Emde and Carhartt for making this good times possible. Thanks to Perico for everything he offered to us, food, a place to sleep and just good times. Thanks to Stefan Lantschner for driving us anywhere. Thanks to Kay Clauberg who once again shot some amazing pictures and for the passion he always has. Last but not least thanks to the crew and the malaga posse for giving me many more amazing moments in my life with this little kids bike. thanks.
Paddy Gross