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Many people where not able to get Scott's DOLLAR STORY internationally due to the expensive postal fees. It is now available on digital file.
Dollar Story
For anyone who has read Scott’s novel (A Room With No Windows) 621 ½ South 6th Street is the behind the scenes true tale of real incidents that would later inspire it. For those who have not it is merely a funny story of poverty, hard work, illegal doings, and the events that eventually lead him west. A powerful coming of age story and the triumph of morals earned through experience. From vandalism to unemployment, alcoholism to homelessness, Scott covers the problems of being without money and what sorts of dilemmas that arise for a young man trying to find his way.
“Well, it’s a side story about the little Girl Scout in my novel who we invite into our house to use the toilet and ends up peeing on our floor. It’s the real events that the scene in the book is based off of. I thought it would be cool for people that had already read the book and knew the scene and at the same time I thought for those that hadn’t, it might make them want to read the novel. Either way it’s a pretty comical story about being totally broke, what was going on in my life at the time and a dilapidated ole house I used to live in with a couple of guys just before I ran away to California and skateboarding happened for me. It will eventually appear in a book of short stories I am working on now.”
- Scott Bourne
(Bastian Loewen)