We have a Carhartt WIP website for customers in the US and Canada. Now offering domestic shipping and returns. Check it out.mers in the US and Canada. Now offering domestic shipping and returns. Check it out.
Ten Days is Moritz Erian's latest clip, featuring Thibault Lenaerts, Olivier Bertrand, Niklas Speer von Cappeln, Steve Forstner and Carhartt WIP riders Gabriel Engelke (as the grumpy guy), Bram de Cleen, Julian Furones, Pete Ruikka and Phil Zwijsen and is the result of a 10 days filming adventure in Barcelona.
The last night rendezvous just started with cooking, good food and some drinks until everybody was satisfied and left the house. Wait, not everybody was satisfied and left the house. One grumpy guy wanted to see the footage from the past 10 days and then it happened. Click here to watch the showdown.